• Votes: 32
  • Rating: 3.2
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The protagonist of hentai passes the most important interview in his life, which should decide his future. He can't make a mistake or show his bad side in front of the interviewer. However, the poor boy is unlucky and his interlocutor becomes Ayaka-San, who is the daughter of the General Director and is famous for his cruel and unshakable character. Our hero fails the interview and Ayaka points him to the door. Soon the main character gets an unusual artifact that is able to control the mind and time. He goes to the office and changes places with Ayaka-San. Now he's an interviewer, and she's here for an interview that will decide her future. Our hero takes revenge and revenge his cruel...

Year: 2018 Year.
Release date: Nov/17/2018
Source: Original
Genre: Big tits, Oral sex, Paizuri, Mind control, Toys
Quality: WEB-720PX
language: RAW
English name: Pawaribara
Original name: パワリバラ

Director: Tied Peach
Studio: Tied Peach

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25-11-2018, 15:32
#1 wrote: costy91

misto serie


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