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Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru

Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru

In one country there is a nation Eastie that exists longer than others. At the same time in the North of the country live terrible monsters calling to ruin her. The evil Eastie many years was spreading through the country. A lot of people suffered from monsters. But after numerous wars, everything changed, and monsters have stated war. Seven knights warriors of different States have decided to change the order of events in this country, and together with the goddess of the high elves formed the "Order of courage". In the fortress known as "Black citadel", somewhere deep beneath the earth was created barrier defending the castle from outsiders. From him the sky grew red, day and night was not distinguish air was hard to breathe. The land around the castle slowly dying, and no one could do. It was rumored that the castle commands a lovely black elf, known as the "Black Queen."
During the war, many mercenaries were trying to overcome "the Army of light." Fighting only for money, and spending all the money on entertainment. However, one day a man came, gathered all the mercenaries in a large army. His name was Volt. How to change the world after his arrival and what will happen with the "Order of courage", only time will tell...
Added subtitles for 6 EP

Year: 2012
Release date: 2012
Source: Vn Game
Genre: Fantasy, Elf, Knight, Monsters, Virgin, Rape, Big tits, Oral sex, Anal sex, Bukkake, Сreampie, Gangbang,
Quality: WEB-720PX
language: Subtitles
English name: Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru
Original name: 黒獣[クロイヌ] ~気高き聖女は白濁に染まる~

Director: Ayano Kunio
Studio: Majin

Kuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni SomaruKuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni SomaruKuroinu: Kedakaki Seijo wa Hakudaku ni Somaru
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Episode 5
Episode 6
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24-12-2018, 14:11
#4 wrote: This Guy

Episode 4 is when this series truly ended. New episodes simply don't matter.
#3 wrote: Senders

It's a shame when animation quality gets worse over time rather than improve lol
#2 wrote: disapoin

imagine waiting years for a new episode and then it turns out to be this barely 15 minutes pile of shit
#1 wrote: zeeo92

EP5? YASS finaly!


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